May 31, 2005

scary lunetic

this women is diebolicely friagthenaing. shes a robot. ppl liek taht are always robots. one a theas days the maskll come off an youl be like 'oh wel yeah i awys knew she was a robit like totly' but youl be lyign. because u were fooled.

forcafuly raject the tyreny of coolnes standrads! let a thuousend tipjarrs contend!


harry huten says,

By the power vested in me by P. Diddy, I declare this blog uncool.

p didy himslef?! jesus i had no idea it was taht serous! but at lest its not fiddy sent.


Why, Mrs Arlington Copley Hynes, without coolness standards how would we know what is and is not cool?
Ha ha ha! Can't make out what's on that couch! A heap of fluff?
It appears to be a witless adipose vertebrate of some sort. Damned if I can work it out, though. Given the coolness standards Bogol is defying, perhaps it's a bad anti-French joke.
anon - filp a cion i gues.

perie - im not quiete sure what it is. all it does is sleep and demand food.

u got it phil! sned me monay! instapandjandrum ruales! q: why do teh forgs smell funy? a: cause their dumb! ba-dum chshshh!
By the power vested in me by P. Diddy, I declare this blog uncool.
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