January 18, 2005

killer faxct!

teh irrish endearment 'acushla' ('my pulse') can refar to lentels as wel as canelinis! teh italean 'polenta' is darivd formm tihs usage by way of the latin 'pulmentum' (literaly 'pull teh other one').

the 'pulse' part expalins the whole 'good for ur hert' conection.


dias maire er... what? pogue mahone? thare ive exaustid my erse vagcabulari now.

er urse irse ursin... argh i cant bear it!

ok taht was lame.

enyway its true quen alazibith was givan a lentel on her corenation an she luved it.
wel lentils ar cald taht cause tehyre lenticular. so... so... tharefor... any um... any dorway... which... this impleis taht teh dorrwey is in a maner of... of speking... umm... whan teh lintel is remoaved an eten the remander of the dorway coalapsses to a point. a snigularity if u will. whihc is inetible but also very smal so noboddy minds.

ok so now as for these chuckecheese ppl. i tink they just gota get the marbles outa they're mouthes an spek up.


thats actuly a totly cool fatc. kiler evan! im tepted to use it but its urs. hey why dont i ad u as a socalled 'team member'. emial me if u wnaa do that.
Excellent. I was wondering what that Pulse thing was all about.
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