June 11, 2005
factalty luonge blodbath!
ovar at swamicros' place the acedamecs are havin a set-to thretnin to cut ech othar an whatnot. what a lota ppl dont relize is acedemics when enraged are as dangaruos as a wunded cape bufalo. theill charge without warning. i ermembar whan i was a unargrad my aviser dr bilginger useta brign a basbal bat to facalty metigns an if onea teh othars wuld piss him off hed wack im. than one day tehy fuond bilginger dismembard an wrapd up in palstic in teh trunk of a '81 volvo 240. teh campas palice siad it was probly a suiciade becuase thare was onyl one bulat in im. a .460 wetharby magnum as i recal. that didnt rely expalin how his legs got detachd or how he skun imslef but he was a prety datermind guy i gues. |
ba-dum chshshsh!
damd if i can remebar who siad that.
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