August 20, 2006

lmup it! an no backtlak.

roger mcguinn ha sa bogl. teh fat beardy ol cunt. snigs prety thuough.

i amost thhrew in some guitarnerd crap but than i relized im trying my redars patiense to omuch already. actuuly this ones anyoing anywhay isnt it? well tough shit! like it or lmup it!

an if u dont know howta lmup it i sugest you take lesons. if putup with slacknes an indiscipline on the part of my readres for too long. those days are over.


Ah, the smack of firm leadership! Very refreshing, HHH.
I believe Hutton takes a similar approach.
I believe the best way to lump it is to add too much flower too quickly, in a smart arse attempt to make it better. There's usually only one person per household who can do it without lumping it, and they decide when it's done. So, therefore, I think I like it.
I say "lmup it".
All those in favor say "aey".
All those opposed say "neigh".
jhon - its teh onyl language they undarssntnd! asid form esparanto. sojem say its an act of desparratoin — grasping at netles so to speak — but they are sentemantal fools.

monnnrtcy - the key is to maake a roux.

plotron - nya!
Did you mean lmup it or hmup it?
(I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do)
I've decided to like it. Easier than lmupin' it. Do I still have to hump it, though?
"the smack of firm leadership"

"Smack" and "firm" are always an attractive combination, I find...
Ivan, it always depends upon which firm you buy the smack off.

What's a roux ha ha ha?
ROUX, ROUSSE, adj. et subst.
I. Adjectif
A. 1. (D'une couleur) qui se situe entre le jaune orang�e et le brun rouge. Nuance, teinte rousse; brume, bu�e, flamme, fum�e, lumei�re, poussi�re rousse; bi�re rousse; algues, broussailles, collines, feuilles, landes, vignes rousses; rousses frondaisons; drap, manteau, velours roux; arbres, toits roux. Ses cheveux blancs o� luisent des tons roux (VERLAINE, Poe�mes saturn., 1866, p. 90). Sous son bois roux, l'armoire est une tr�es blanche amande (BACHELARD, Po�et. espace, 1957, p. 85). V. affin� ex. 3.
2. En partic.
a) [En parlant du syst�me pileux d'une pers., du poil d'un animal] D'une nuance orang�e, plus ou moins soutenue, interme�diaire entre le blond fauve et l'auburn. Synon. rouquin (fam.), rousseau (fam., vieilli). Barbe, chevelure, tignasse rousse; tresses rousses; pelage roux; favoris roux. Un vieux hussard � sourcils jaun�tres et grosses moustaches rousses en paraphe sur ses joues brunes (ERCKM.-CHATR., Ami Fritz, 1864, p. 144). Poil de Carotte, va fermer les poules! Elle donne ce petit nom d'amour � son dernier ne�, parce qu'il a les cheveux roux et la peau tach�ee (RENARD, Poil Carotte, 1894, p. 2).
b) [P. m�ton., en parlant d'une pers., d'un animal] Dont la chevelure ou le pelage est de cette nuance. Synon. rouquin (fam.), rousseau (fam., vieilli), roussiau (fam., r�egion.), roussiot (fam.), roussot (fam.). Fillette rousse; vache rousse; chat, cheval, chien, li�vre, lion roux. Les tigres lascifs et les panth�res rousses (RIMBAUD, Po�s., 1871, p. 44). Tu t'es rendu compte qu'il y avait toujours des bonnes femmes en larmes, ou un type roux, ou n'importe quoi d'autre pour ga�cher tes effets? (SARTRE, Naus�ee, 1938, p. 189). V. chatouillement A ex. de Gu�vremont.
montma - fat an fluor. usuly buter.

d.a. - ffs!

phil -- yes damn you all three.
phil -- yes damn you all three

At least 'till Barrett Bonden dies.
That's the second time Arlington has addressed me without any typographical mutilation. It's really quite unsettling.
Anyone would think he and Dr Haridan were the same person.
Don't know about the sings pretty part.

And he gets a reference in an Orange Juice song. "Wore my fringe like Roger Mcguinn's".

How's your fringe? Still fresh?
Thank you for alerting me to the existence of yet one more cunt to despise.
You ain't sneaking anything past that Foot Eater.

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