October 20, 2005
how dapresign
just wroate leters to botha my senaters. not once in ether of em — not onse — did i use teh wrods 'cocksucker' or 'imbacile' or 'blodsucking tyranous parasitic pigfucking arogant worthlas timeservign sonuvabitch'. nor did i wax nostelgic about teh gracious old custom of recalign publac 'servents' form ofice by way of a tree an a rope. nor did i threten to shoot em or tar em an fether em or run em outa townn on a rail or drag em bahind a team a horsas.
so teh moare i thikn about it the more i wondar why i bothard writign at all.
didn mention horsewhipign em either. or pistalwhiping em. or putting em in stocks.
culd hang em from a lampost too. dosn hafta be a tree.
now dont get me worng! i liek our forma govarmant just fine. but they'res aways room for improvmant! hence my twopoint plan garanteed to birign any damocracy closar to prefection:
all electad oficials to be publicly horsewhiped once a year on generl princaples.
term limits to be anforced by hanging.
i ofar these recamendations in a spirit of selflas davitoin to the public interast.
yet anothar updat!
oooh i frogot keelhaulign!
Botha is your senator? The P.W. Botha, ex-king of the Boers?
Two senators? You greedy bastard, some of us don't have any!
jtp - by any name its fun for teh whole famly!
hb - wel geez dude just cuase im wilin ta horswhip em onaly once a hyear dont make me out to be some kidna bledin heart he're. its not like im shy about hangin em or anyhting. if i were youd have a point. thatd be tantamount to outright moderation!
Not only do you still get to hang a lawmaker regularly, but it reminds the real ones about what can happen if they get too uppity.
jtp - heyy i kindna like that plan to. put a lota tv camras up in hte balcony an u culd bet on em! its a sprot tahts takign teh wrold by storm!
berwski - tahnk u. i take gerat priad in bei9gn a reasanable man.
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