September 22, 2005


people should hae chins. im not gona be a makng any acceptions hare. its just not taht musch ta ask.

u see em all teh time wiht a smug dubm look on ther face like 'im ok ur ok an waths in a chin aftar all isn it wahts insied taht cuonts?'

bzzt! wrogn! it is teh chin wihc is on the uotside that count's. please rectafy teh prolbalm soonast u epacene freak thx.


gona be away til teh 27th. be good.


People do have chins. Those without chins are not people but members of the British aristocracy - an altogether different kettle of mandibles.
What is inside the cunts?
Oh, varies. Fall open, tube - you tell us.
That lad's too clever by half. He'll come a cropper one day, you mark my words.
Hey! I'm only fourteen
Sickly 'n' thin
Tried all of my life
Just to grow me a chin
It popped out once
But my dad pushed it in
Why did he hurt me?
He's my next of kin...
He's a mex-i-kin...

- Frank Zappa, Tryin' To Grow A Chin.
wel obovsouilesly theire tarnspaltin there chin tisue inta they're chests. wich is teh act of a kook imho. but wat teh heck its a fre cuountry. so u can shoot em if you like.
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